Friday, November 30, 2007

Miss Natalie

I just realized I need to take more pictures of my daughter. She is just so hard to get to sit still! Natalie is seen here on her sit-n-spin and coloring with her brothers. Notice her tiny pigtails?

Colin says GOODBYE to his NUKS!

This was a huge deal! These pics are from the last night with his nuks. The next day he is turning 4 and is way to old to have these. As you can see, he loves them. He was so good. This went so smooth. Last time we tried he cried for an entire month and didn't nap or go to bed before 11 p.m. Now he takes naps still and goes to bed on time! What a blessing! (yes, he can make the nuks stick to his cheeks with no glue, what a talent!)


Yeah! Halloween was a blast! Nat and Ryan were Skeletons and Colin was Superman. (He was too scarded of the skeleton costumes.) Grandma Sue came to hand out candy to the 100+ trick or treaters so Josh and I could accompany the kids.

The boys dumped out their candy and started to compare treats. Natalie loved jumping in the leaves earlier that week.